Welcome to our insightful blog post, where we explore the fundamentals of success in the Saranda real estate sector. In this edition, we feature an engaging podcast where Mia Ulvestad, a renowned Norwegian podcaster and activist, interviews Vangel Dimo, the esteemed CEO of Elite’s Realty Group. This discussion is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand the intricacies and strategies essential for thriving in the dynamic world of Saranda real estate.
Our conversation zeroes in on crucial advice for Saranda real estate beginners and veterans alike. The core of our discussion revolves around the necessity of a strong commitment to value creation and exceptional client service. Emphasizing an entrepreneurial mindset, our speakers shed light on the multifaceted roles one must undertake to excel in this field.
Particularly insightful is the journey of our main speaker, who, starting at the age of 17, has immersed in every aspect of the business. From construction sites to legal intricacies and market nuances, this diverse experience has been instrumental in shaping a holistic understanding of the Saranda real estate world.
This post promises a blend of practical wisdom and strategic insights, making it a valuable guide for those embarking on or advancing in their real estate careers. Join us as we unveil the strategies and mindset essential for thriving in this dynamic and rewarding industry.

Mia: ” Vangel, it is a pleasure to meet you and have an insightful conversation with. For those embarking on a career in real estate, what key advice would you offer to ensure their success?”
Vangel: “Firstly, it’s crucial to be deeply committed to the value you’ll bring and the people you’ll serve. Success in real estate requires self-development and skill enhancement, demanding the right mindset from the start. You must enter the field determined to succeed, not just to try. Success hinges on delivering exceptional service to your clients. Remember, clients seek professionals capable of navigating complex situations and offering clear, comprehensive advice. The investments involved in real estate are significant, often representing life savings. Earning trust is essential, and that comes from prioritizing giving over receiving.”
Mia: “You’ve mentioned your extensive hands-on experience in every aspect of your business since the age of 17. From construction to office work and economics, taxes and law. How has this diverse experience contributed to your success?”
Vangel: “Indeed, I view real estate agents as entrepreneurs, not merely salespeople. My journey began with various roles, including simple employee and manager, in different segments of the Saranda real estate sector. Gaining experience in construction, law, and other areas was challenging, but it taught me the importance of skill and mindset development. Understanding the entire process, from ground zero to completion, is vital. My comprehensive knowledge, including the intricacies of legal aspects, sets my company apart, enabling us to provide thorough and reliable information to clients and help them do business and lifestyle experiences rather than just buying or selling a property.

Mia: “Your expertise seems particularly extensive, covering even the specifics of international real estate law and its application to diverse countries. How does this benefit your clients?”
Vangel: “My commitment to understanding every facet of the business, especially real estate law, is critical. It allows me to serve a discerning clientele, including the top 10% of property buyers in Albania. These clients need detailed knowledge of various laws, including taxation, both locally and in relation to their home countries. My understanding of international real estate laws, such as those in Sweden, Poland, Norway, Italy reassures clients that I am here to assist them in making informed business decisions, not just transactions.”
Mia: “Your approach seems to foster a deep sense of trust, not only by understanding your clients’ backgrounds but also by presenting Albania in a positive light. Can you elaborate on that?”
Vangel: “Certainly. By providing information that aligns with what clients already know from their countries, I validate their understanding and build trust. My aim is to showcase Albania’s true character, countering misconceptions about safety and corruption. Despite its challenges, Albania has made significant progress, as evidenced by the growth of my company and the potential for future development. Understanding and dispelling fears and prejudices about the country is a key part of my mission.”
Mia: “What qualities define the most successful real estate agents?”
Vangel: “Top real estate agents excel in planning and business strategy. They possess robust lead generation and marketing systems, and they’re adept at turning ideas into reality. A critical skill is qualifying clients quickly, as real estate interests a broad audience. Time management is crucial, focusing on those genuinely interested in buying or selling. Like doctors, we need to discern who we can effectively serve to avoid wasting time on unproductive leads.”
Mia: To achieve significant progress or reach a certain level, you must possess a strong urge, correct?
Vangel: It begins with a question: Are you ready to invest in your personal development? Unfortunately, many agents overlook this. They assume entering the field and focusing on sales and business will automatically lead to financial success, which isn’t true. Without any training, how can you compete with those well-versed in sales, marketing, and converting leads into appointments and sales? If you lack proper training and don’t prioritize self-development, how will you match up against these trained professionals? The cost of reaching such heights is substantial, and many aren’t willing to pay this high price.
Next, understanding our customers is crucial. We need to know their needs and preferences and turn these insights into effective strategies, especially when dealing with complex situations.
Mia: When dealing with international real estate, like in Scandinavia and Norway, what’s your strategy for understanding customers? Do you communicate with them, visit their country, or have other methods?
Vangel: Consider sales as influence. The modes of communication – email, phone, or face-to-face interactions – are vital. The most effective is face-to-face. I travel to meet people, participate in various exhibitions, and understand their perspectives and trust issues, which are particularly pronounced in some regions. Influencing one key individual can lead to broader opportunities within a country.

Mia: Why are there so many real estate agents?
Vangel: This is due to the low barriers to entry and minimal initial investment. Many enter the field thinking they’ll ‘try’ real estate, which is a fundamental mistake. Real estate is extremely challenging and not everyone survives.
Consider this: To start a business like a restaurant, you need a location, staff, chefs, and marketing. In contrast, real estate requires a license and the ability to develop your skills. There’s no ceiling to success in this field! Some argue for university education and professional training, which can indeed facilitate reaching high financial goals. But It’s a known fact that 90% of millionaires have been made through real estate. So, for those considering a career in real estate, ponder these aspects carefully.
Mia: As we wrap up this enlightening conversation, I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude to Vangel Dimo for sharing his invaluable insights and experiences with us. His journey, marked by dedication and an entrepreneurial spirit, serves as a beacon for anyone aspiring to make their mark in the real estate industry. Vangel’s comprehensive understanding of the business, from its foundational construction work to the complex legal and market intricacies, offers a unique perspective that is both inspiring and educational.
Discover more real estate insights from Vangel Dimo – Follow him on Instagram for exclusive insights and tips.